================================================== README: CSOS Pilot Test Suite with ================================================== This Pilot Test Suite is valid from 2019 until march 2022. This readme file will provide background information on the various CSOS Pilot Test certificates. The DEA is not liable for usage or information contained within the CSOS Pilot Test Suite. The CSOS Pilot Test Suite consists of: 1. Hash Calculator 2. Certification Authority Certificates 3. CSOS Pilot Test Certificates 4. DEA E-Commerce PKI Certificate and CRL Profile 5. Ldap Connection Instructions Please review this file prior to installing and testing with the CSOS Pilot Test certificates. It will provide you with the test DEA Registrant information used to populate each certificate along with the associated certificate and file name. Also, note the Certification Authority (CA) and/or Certificate Revocation List (CRL) associated with each certificate. ======================================== 1. Hash Calculator - Sha2 (hashcalc.exe) ======================================== This application is not FIPS approved but has been provided for testing purposes and therefore not intended for use in a production system. ====================================== 2. Certificate Authority Files (*.der) ====================================== Certification Authority Name Folder Name File Name ----------------------------------- --------------- ------------ E-Commerce Pilot Root CA CACerts RootPilot.der CSOS Pilot SubCA 2010 (ValidCA) CACerts SubCAValidPilot.der CSOS Pilot SubCA Expired 2010 CACerts SubCAExpiredPilot.der.der CSOS Pilot SubCA Revoked 2010 CACerts SubCARevokedPilot.der ======================================= 3. CSOS Pilot Test certificates (*.pfx) ======================================= The passwords for all private keys is: csos (all lowercase) ****The below certificates SHOULD be installed with their Security Level set to High in order to reflect proper private key protection.**** The following files are associated with the certificate names below: Certification Authority Name Folder Name File Name ----------------------------------- ----------- --------- ValidCA2025 ValidOrderOne ValidCAsha2 validorder1.pfx ValidCA2025 ValidOrderTwo ValidCAsha2 validorder2.pfx ValidCA2025 ValidOrderThree ValidCAsha2 validorder3.pfx ValidCA2025 ValidOrderFour ValidCAsha2 validorder4.pfx ValidCA2025 ValidOrderFive ValidCAsha2 validorder5.pfx ValidCA2025 ValidOrderSix ValidCAsha2 validorder6.pfx ValidCA2025 ValidOrderSeven ValidCAsha2 validorder7.pfx ValidCA2025 ValidOrderEight ValidCAsha2 validorder8.pfx ValidCA2025 ValidOrderNine ValidCAsha2 validorder9.pfx ValidCA2025 ValidOrderTen ValidCAsha2 validorder10.pfx ValidCA2025 ValidAdminCoord ValidCAsha2 validadmincoord.pfx ValidCA2025 ExpiredOrder ValidCAsha2 expiredorder.pfx ValidCA2025 ExpiredAdminCoord ValidCAsha2 expadmincoord.pfx ValidCA2025 RevokeOrderKey ValidCAsha2 revokeorderkey.pfx ValidCA2025 RevokeOrderAffil ValidCAsha2 revokeorderaffili.pfx ValidCA2025 RevokeOrderSupers ValidCAsha2 revokeordersupers.pfx ValidCA2025 RevokeOrderCess ValidCAsha2 revokeordercess.pfx ValidCA2025 RevokeOrderHold ValidCAsha2 revokeorderhold.pfx ValidCA2025 RevokeAdminKey ValidCAsha2 revokeadminkey.pfx ValidCA2025 RevokeAdminAffil ValidCAsha2 revokeadminaffil.pfx ValidCA2025 RevokeAdminSupers ValidCAsha2 revokeadminsupers.pfx ValidCA2025 RevokeAdminCess ValidCAsha2 revokeadmincess.pfx ValidCA2025 RevokeAdminHold ValidCAsha2 revokeadminhold.pfx ValidCA2025 SCApostrophie ValidCAsha2 SCapostrophie.pfx ValidCA2025 SCAmpersand ValidCAsha2 SCampersand.pfx ValidCA2025 SCForwardSlash ValidCAsha2 SCforwardslash.pfx ValidCA2025 SCBackSlash ValidCAsha2 SCbackslash.pfx ValidCA2025 SCComma ValidCAsha2 SCcomma.pfx ValidCA2025 SCPeriod ValidCAsha2 SCperiod.pfx ValidCA2025 SCOpenParenthesis ValidCAsha2 SCopenparen.pfx ValidCA2025 SCClosedParenthesis ValidCAsha2 SCclosedparen.pfx ValidCA2025 SCDash ValidCAsha2 SCdash.pfx ValidCA2025 AddressNineDigZip ValidCAsha2 addressninedigzip.pfx ValidCA2025 AddressZipDash ValidCAsha2 addresszipdash.pfx ValidCA2025 InvalidHash ValidCAsha2 invalidhash.pfx ValidCA2025 UserAuth ValidCAsha2 userauth1.pfx ValidCA2025 UserAuth ValidCAsha2 userauth2.pfx ValidCA2025 SCColon ValidCAsha2 SCcolon.pfx Certification Authority Name Folder Name File Name ----------------------------------- ----------- --------- ExpiredCAsha2AIA ValidOrder ExpiredCAsha2 ValidOrder.pfx ExpiredCAsha2AIA ValidAdminCoord ExpiredCAsha2 ValidAdminCoord.pfx ExpiredCAsha2AIA ExpiredOrder ExpiredCAsha2 ExpiredOrder.pfx ExpiredCAsha2AIA ExpiredAdminCoord ExpiredCAsha2 ExpiredAdminCoord.pfx ExpiredCAsha2AIA RevokeOrderKey ExpiredCAsha2 RevokeOrderKey.pfx ExpiredCAsha2AIA RevokeAdminKey ExpiredCAsha2 RevokeAdminKey.pfx Certification Authority Name Folder Name File Name ----------------------------------- ----------- --------- RevokedCA2023 ValidOrder RevokedCAsha2 ValidOrder.pfx RevokedCA2023 ValidAdminCoord RevokedCAsha2 ValidAdminCoord.pfx RevokedCA2023 ExpiredOrder RevokedCAsha2 ExpiredOrder.pfx RevokedCA2023 ExpiredAdminCoord RevokedCAsha2 ExpiredAdminCoord.pfx RevokedCA2023 RevokeOrderKey RevokedCAsha2 RevokeOrderKey.pfx RevokedCA2023 RevokeAdminKey RevokedCAsha2 RevokeAdminKey.pfx ================================================== 4. DEA E-Commerce PKI Certificate and CRL Profile ================================================== Refer to the Production web site, http://www.deaecom.gov/pki_cert_crl.pdf, for information concerning the profile of the CRLs and Certificates included in this test suite. ================================================== 5. Ldap Connection Instructions ================================================== LDAP Connection Host: directory.diversiontest.usdoj.gov Base: As Follows CSOS Pilot Root CA ou=CSOS Pilot Root 2010,ou=CSOS Pilot,ou=E-Commerce,ou=Diversion Control,ou=DEA,ou=Department of Justice,o=U.S. Government,c=US CSOS Pilot Sub CA ou=CSOS Pilot SubCA 2010,ou=CSOS Pilot,ou=E-Commerce,ou=Diversion Control,ou=DEA,ou=Department of Justice,o=U.S. Government,c=US CSOS Pilot Expired CA ou=CSOS Pilot SubCA Expired 2010,ou=CSOS Pilot,ou=E-Commerce,ou=Diversion Control,ou=DEA,ou=Department of Justice,o=U.S. Government,c=US CSOS Pilot Revoked CA ou=CSOS Pilot SubCA Revoked 2010,ou=CSOS Pilot,ou=E-Commerce,ou=Diversion Control,ou=DEA,ou=Department of Justice,o=U.S. Government,c=US